Trust IssuesTrust Issues by Elizabeth McCullough Keenan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sibling failures-to-launch Kagan and Hazel blow through their trust funds and become estranged from their mother. When she dies under mysterious circumstances, they blame her husband, who disappears soon after, taking her ten-million-dollar estate with him. The two set about finding him and the money, enlisting the aid of a surprising accomplice.

It’s an interesting premise. Pretty much every character is some level of unlikable with questionable, often conflicting motives. It’s tough to work together when you’re not sure who you can trust. The pacing was uneven, dragging in places, but the ending was surprising. Overall, not a bad read. I received this Advanced Reader Copy of Trust Issues from Dutton Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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