Reading Rush Book Selection

I joined Reading Rush 2019 this year, formerly BookTubeathon. This was my first attempt at a readathon.

The Challenge was:

  1. Read a book with purple on the cover.
  2. Read a book with a non-human main character.
  3. Read and watch a book to movie adaptation.
  4. Read a book in the same spot the entire time,
  5. Read a book you meant to read last year.
  6. Read an author’s first book.
  7. Read a book with five or more words in the title.

You could overlap as needed, but bonus points for reading 7 books

The challenge went from July 22nd to 28th and could be found on

My choices were:

Book with purple on the cover:

Muffins and Murder by Danielle Collins — DONE!

Book with a non-human main character, book and book to movie adaptation and book read in the same spot the entire time:

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion — DONE!

Book with five or more words in the title:

The Electrifying Fall of Rainbow City: Spectacle and Assassination at the 1901 Worlds Fair by Margaret Creighton — DONE!

Book you meant to read last year and read an author’s first book:

Becoming by Michelle Obama — ummm….

Came up about 200 pages short. I expect to have it finished by the end of the week. I started them all at the same time as I do, and it was a longer book.


I had books drop into my Libby and Netgalley accounts that were more deadline-driven, plus oooh shiny.

I work full time, so I only have X amount of hours in which to read.

I had a couple of fun, but unplanned for events come up.

I also failed by:

Reading a book I would have DNFed if not for the challenge.

Cutting short my daily yoga and morning pages routine that keeps me sane.

Killing my planned TBR. July was literally the first time I tried to commit to a TBR before the month began and I think I only finished one of them on the list although I finished 11 books for the month.

Writing hardly any reviews, which is going to make it harder going forward. I prefer to write when they are fresh in my mind.

Missing my writing goal for the month.

Back-burnering my Pensive Pelican logo project.

The ways in which I didn’t fail:

I had fun! It was a nice little challenge and it was fun to check in with people on Instagram by following the #readingrush2019 hashtag and participating in some of the challenges on my Pensive Pelican Instagram or watching daily BookTube vlogs like Books and Lala.

I made my first ever YouTube video. It’s very rudimentary, and I don’t know if I would continue, but it forced me out of my comfort zone.

I watched almost no TV. I spent a lot of time reading on the patio rather than plopping on the couch and turning on the television.

I found little pockets of time in which to read that might have normally been taken up by social media. It reminded me of when I used to carry a book around with me everywhere before I had a phone to rely on for entertainment.

I’m not sure that I would participate in another Readathon, but this is a habit I’m hoping to hang onto.